Tag references

Tag references

Pintu Publish provides many options to create your desired publication in Adobe InDesign.
The tag references are used to format your XML file in order to achieve the desired design in your publication.

Hereunder you will find a few examples of tag references for a page, a book or a document.
Please contact us at support@pintupublish.com to request access to the full list of tag references.

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Tag references for a Book


InDesign equivalentInDesign book file (.indb)
DescriptionCreate an InDesign book.
DefinitionA book file (.indb) is a collection of documents that can share styles, swatches, master pages, and other items. You can sequentially number pages in booked documents, print selected documents in a book, or export them to PDF. One document can belong to multiple book files.
Allowed childrenDocument, General Preferences
UsageAny documents enclosed by the opening tag <BOOK> and the closing tag </BOOK> will be added to the book.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE BOOK SYSTEM "http://localhost/generator/tags.dtd">
<book output="C:/generator/examples/Cataloog 01/output/Cataloog_01.indb">
    <doc output="C:/generator/examples/Cataloog 01/output/Cataloog_01.indd" template="C:/generator/examples/Cataloog 01/templates/cataloog.indt">
        <page masterPage="A-Master">...</page>
        <page masterPage="A-Master">...</page>
        <page masterPage="A-Master">...</page>


please request access to the full list of tag references: support@pintupublish.com

Tag references for a Document


InDesign equivalentInDesign document file (.indd).
DescriptionCreate an InDesign document.
DefinitionA document file (.indd) is a collection of pages.
Allowed childrenLayer, Meta, Page, Pagerule, Table Of Contents
UsageAny pages (stories) enclosed by the opening tag <DOC> and the closing tag </DOC> will be added to the document.


<doc output="C:/generator/examples/Cataloog 01/output/Cataloog_01.indd" template="C:/generator/examples/Cataloog 01/templates/cataloog.indt">
    <page masterPage="A-Master">...</page>


please request access to the full list of tag references: support@pintupublish.com

Tag references for a Page


InDesign equivalentInDesign story
DescriptionStart a new InDesign story.
DefinitionThis tag starts a new story in the InDesign document. The attribute “masterPage” will define the layout to be placed on every page that belongs to this story.
Allowed childrenImage Frame, Index, Textframe
UsageSee the tag “textframe” for more information on adding InDesign pages to a story
NotesThe tag “page” in xCS.Press is not to be confused with a page in InDesign.


<DOC output="C:/www/project/output/document.indd" template="C:/www/project/templates/template.indt">
    <PAGE masterPage="A-Master">
        <TEXTFRAME id="flow">...</TEXTFRAME>


please request access to the full list of tag references: support@pintupublish.com